Tribute Wall
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, December 14, 2019
First United Church
808 Centre St
Hanna, Alberta, Canada
Funeral Service
2:00 pm
Saturday, December 14, 2019
First United Church
808 Centre St
Hanna, Alberta, Canada

Tom Ellis posted a condolence
Friday, December 13, 2019
It is with sincere regret that I heard of Mrs. Duff's passing. Marjorie Duff was a very close friend of my mother and when together they always had a laugh about... whatever, but it brought joy to both!
When ever I met or saw Mrs. Duff she always had a very pleasant smile, I will never forget that smile! Take comfort in knowing that she is in a better place now where there’s no more pain or sadness.
Marg Bertand posted a condolence
Friday, December 13, 2019
Marj was a wonderful friend to my mom, and Marj and Andy were very dear to my parents Marg and Don Macpherson. They became friends long ago in Hanna when Marj and Andy first moved there, and their warm association lasted for decades. After my mom passed away Marj was a great source of strength for me and I enjoyed visiting her in Hanna. I was always lifted by Marj's generous and optimistic spirit, and great enthusiasm for people and life. She loved the farm, and it's wonderful she was able to stay there. She always said she would, and that she'd just move across the road when the time came! Good for Marj. She will be missed by so many. Our sincere condolences and good wishes to all the family going forward.
Lionel and Lois Longmore posted a condolence
Thursday, December 12, 2019
To the family of Marjorie Duff.
May it comfort you to know that our sympathy and caring thoughts are with.
Terry Johnston posted a condolence
Friday, December 6, 2019
Marj was such a great lady. A life well lived with laughter and grace. I loved our chats over tea. A wonderful role model right to the end. I remember her telling me not long ago that she had seen people in the cemetary selling drugs and that she called the police who arrived quickly. She shrugged off people who warned her it could make her a target because she felt it was sacred ground and the right thing to do. Such integrity!
Janet Harvey posted a condolence
Friday, December 6, 2019
I am another of the many Hanna girls whose lives Mrs. Duff touched through Highland dancing. She brought such joy to her classes every week and was a master at offering criticism wrapped in positivity in a way that made you want to work harder and get better--one of the signs of a great teacher. I am forever grateful for the years Mrs. Duff was in my life. And Hanna was very lucky to count such a community builder among its residents for so long.
Lisa Larson posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
I shall miss Mrs Duff dearly. She was a force of nature and a magnificent lady. For 10 years I had the good fortune of taking highland and tap dancing lessons from her while learning invaluable life skills. She commanded respect but was so encouraging and had a huge heart. I’m so grateful we reconnected again when I became an adult and she as my teacher became my great friend. Over the past 8 years or so we began monthly telephone chats that were full of stories about her childhood, about all her family she was so very proud of, and about our shared interest in current affairs. Every single chat included a good belly laugh or two. What a wit! I’ll miss her calling me ”Lassy”. God rest her sweet soul.
The family of Marjorie Mima Duff uploaded a photo
Monday, December 2, 2019

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Dana Williamson uploaded photo(s)
Monday, December 2, 2019

Marj was my mother’s first cousin and to me, she was a precious window into the kind of life she and my mother and all her sisters and cousins led in those years – a life filled with laughter and a close family connection with the Cruickshank clan. These images are brought to life from the photos of those times her sister May Cruickshank has sent me over the years.
I love the stories she told me of the get-togethers, fun times, and music she and my mother and her sisters and many other cousins enjoyed. From her giggles I suspect there may have been much more mischievous adventure than she disclosed to me. I will miss our phone chats and entertaining conversations; they were always full of joy and laughter and when I hung up the phone, I always felt uplifted and inspired to live my life like Marj, where family and friends are the most important things.
I will always treasure my fondest memory of Marj, when she competed in the caber toss at the 2016 Cruickshank reunion in Lethbridge, albeit with a pool noodle instead of the heavier wooden caber, which she argued affected her accuracy. It says it all about her love of life and all it has to offer.
Bev Benedict posted a condolence
Sunday, December 1, 2019
When I think of Mrs. Duff I think of humour, integrity and a razor sharp mind but most of all I think of warmth and compassion. Like all great teachers she was able to recognize something exceptional in each of us and work from there. I smile every time I remember her.
Barbara Hartman (nee Walker) posted a condolence
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Marj and Andy were great friends of my Mom and Dad, Evelyn and Harold Walker. I have fond memories of the few times I had the pleasure of their company.
John Kaster and Girls posted a condolence
Saturday, November 30, 2019
God bless Marg, she was such a positive influence on all the many that she knew!
Diana Scott posted a condolence
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marj and Andy were dear friends of mom and dad, Allan and myself. I’ve enjoyed our visits, having tea with Marj, and sharing memories.
Her warm smile lit up the room, her words of encouragement help sustain the spirit and her wisdom taught generations the value of unconditional love.
Becky Benedict posted a condolence
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Mrs. Duff was amazing with an outstanding personality. She had the ability to make you feel proud in all aspects of your life and to feel special every time you saw her. In my 9 years of highland dancing she was one of my biggest cheerleaders. Bev said it best....looking back now, she gave us so much more than dancing. She also gave us unconditional love, a sense of community and pride in our dedication to try harder. She is one of my heroes. Thank you to my mom who got her drivers license so she could take us to our practices...without that we would have missed out on this beautiful Scottish angel counting...and one two and three and four....stay tight! I'm a better person because of her....
Lee Clay posted a condolence
Saturday, November 30, 2019
I knew Marj & Andy through Order of the Eastern Star. I remember at General Grand in Seattle, she came with my husband & I to the Space Needle for breakfast. I was Grand Secretary when she gave me Andy's Past Grand Patron pin to pass on. Marj was a delightful and feisty lady.
Lee Clay - Calgary
Jo`Ann telford posted a condolence
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Blessed to have had Marj. as a friend and Order of the Eastern Star Sister. RIP Marjorie. Star Love Jo`Ann
Candy whitney posted a condolence
Friday, November 29, 2019
Mrs. Duff taught me highland dance. Even though I was not good at it, Mrs. Duff was very patient & kind.
Bill and Pat Mackenzie posted a condolence
Friday, November 29, 2019
Marj was a very special lady! A wonderful friend and neighbour for many years. Always a smile and a quick wit. She will be missed by so many! Rest In Peace Marj.
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