Tribute Wall
Marilyn (Ronlund) Hadley posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Condolences to Roberta and Jack’s Family. I worked with Jack at BC Hydro from 1980 to 1986 in the Hearings/Regulatory Affairs Department. Jack was one of the nicest people I have ever worked with.
It was with sadness that I read of Jack’s passing in the BC Hydro Power Pioneers Newsletter but I did not recognize him by the name of "John". A Google search led me to his obituary where I recognized his beautiful smile and that is the way I will always remember him--gone far too soon.
Jack was a very kind person. In the early 1980’s we were working at a hearing in Cranbrook BC. As support staff, my job, along with another “girl” ( as we were called in those days) was to transcribe the day’s proceedings and send them to Head Office early the next morning. We worked quite late into the evening/night and one time it was quite late and Jack stayed behind “working” on whatever he was doing – no computers, phones, etc. We found out later he did not have to stay, but stayed behind as he did not want two “girls” to be working alone in a hotel room at night. That was Jack. What a kind person.
Jack was a great note taker and always wrote with a dark pen on a bright yellow legal pad. When he turned his pages in for typing (on a Selectric typewriter—no word processors or computers) there were “bubbles” of conversation and arrows where text was to be inserted. At the Cranbrook Hearing, my workmate said “Jack is a really nice person but his notes are as if he thinks we just put them in the washing machine and they come out neat and tidy”. That was Jack but we loved him just the same.
In the early 2000’s I was speaking to a new neighbour in Qualicum Beach. “Jerry”? had been a manager at BC Hydro and asked me if I knew Roberta and I told him I had met her several times. He then said “Roberta and Jack got married” and I was so happy to hear that.
Rest in peace, Dear Jack. My heart hurts at your loss.
Marilyn (Ronlund) Hadley
French Creek/Parksville BC
Patrick Allan Parker uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Patrick Allan Parker uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Shannon Squire lit a candle
Monday, May 6, 2024

My sincere condolences to all Jack’s family. I knew him through the Hydro negotiations, where he played such an important role. He was such a kind, gentle soul.
Shannon Squire
Wayne Kautz posted a condolence
Monday, May 6, 2024
Just one week ago I sent this message to Jack:
“Just want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship over the last 60 some years.
You and your family became my second home, we were more like brothers than friends.
Our exploits in grade school, summer jobs, university, motorcycles, cars and crazy science projects are treasures we will never forget. We leaned on one another to somehow graduate in mechanical engineering. That was a high stress period in my life and I wouldn’t have made it without your help.
But most of all I want you to know you will always be my best friend”.
Little did I know Jack would be gone a few days latter.
I am so sorry Roberta, for your loss. I am forever grateful to you for your devoted care for Jack over the last several years.
Deirdre Riley posted a condolence
Monday, May 6, 2024
I am so very sorry to hear of Jack’s passing. We shared many ups and downs as part of the negotiation team at BC Hydro. I had the greatest respect for his tenacity and patience during many difficult discussions both within the organization and with deeply affected aboriginal people and communities. He had one of the best smiles that set people at ease and welcomed them in. My deepest sympathies to Roberta and the rest of his family. Deirdre Riley
Rod Louie posted a condolence
Monday, May 6, 2024
Jack was an integral part of very important negotiations with the St'at'imc and the 11 communities involved. He demonstrated and upheld a level of respect and integrity that gained the trust of many. We send our prayers and condolences to Roberta and his family.
Valerie lit a candle
Monday, May 6, 2024

With heartfelt condolences to Roberta and the family on the loss of this wonderful man. With his leadership and respect for the Indigenous way of life he was instrumental in reaching an agreement within our nation.
The family of John (Jack) Charles Edwards uploaded a photo
Sunday, May 5, 2024

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The family of John (Jack) Charles Edwards uploaded a photo
Sunday, May 5, 2024

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John (Jack)
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