Tribute Wall
Memorial Service
2:00 pm
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Redeemer Lutheran Church
1011 3 St, Box 746
Hanna, Alberta, Canada

Stan Hutton posted a condolence
Saturday, December 17, 2022
I can not believe that Donna is gone.
Great photo and she looks ever bit as young and vital as ever. My earliest memories of Donna were either:
a) from being at Arnold's side;
b) at the hockey rink watching Arnold play (one on my personal favorites);
c) at Gamble/Stewart Drugs.
d) all of the above?
I may never why I was so privileged to be included in Arnold and Donna's ski trip to Castor, or that big hill Sunshine but Maurice Turbide and I were treated as part of the Grover clan for several years when we were younger and still impressionable.
Recently, I was able to reconnect with Donna. We had a wonderful visit with the anticipation of many more to come. Turns out that I will have to hold on to that last time together even more dearly.
Thinking you Sheila, Walter, Murray and Gail and the Grover family.
Wendae Grover posted a condolence
Thursday, December 15, 2022
So sorry to hear about your Mum Sheila and Murray.
Wendae and Shelly(Shelast) Grover
Janice ( Grover). Fieger posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
May it comfort all of you Sheila and Murray families as you remember a great Mom and Grandma with fond memories she gave All if you As we will also be remembering for what she brought to our families as well. It’s was great to have had her in our lives as well. Janice Rick Terry and Gina Grover families
Jackie Ferguson posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Donna's life was truly well lived. I had the distinct privilege and pleasure of working side by side with her on Nursing unit 5East at the old Calgary General hospital. She was a valued team member and we all knew if she was on duty, no matter how busy and stressful the shift might be, we would get through it largely because of her strong work ethic and her amazing sense of humour . We would often reminisce about those days and both agreed that we were so blessed to have had that time in our lives with so many special people. In the years following her nursing career Donna and I made an effort to keep in touch, (no small feat in the pre-technology age) and in all the many years that I knew her, I never once heard her say a mean word against anyone, or complain about anything. . She was a woman of faith, grateful for all she had and always spoke so lovingly about her family and how they brought so much joy to her. Her positive approach to life was noticed by all who knew her, and as a woman alone she was truly inspirational. One of the great memories I have of Donna, was one time about 10 years or so ago, we were enjoying having lunch together and were so busy laughing and catching up with one another's lives, that we didn't notice that we had been given the wrong orders. About half way through our meal, the server approached us and apologized for the mistake. We had not even noticed! As we were leaving the restaurant we were presented with a take home version of what we had originally ordered. How nice.
"Softly the leaves of memory fall, softly we gather and cherish them all." Goodbye my beloved old friend, I will miss you.
Jackie Ferguson
Norm and Julie Roe posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Sending heartfelt sympathy to the Alksne and Grover families on the loss of Donna. She was a beautiful woman with a heart of gold. Such an asset to the Hanna community!
Julie Roe
Elaine Wasdal posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
She was always such a beautiful lady! Sympathies to the Grover families
Dave and Darlene Anderson posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Our sincere condolences to all the family!
Craig Berke posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Sheila and Murray, Please accept our deepest condolences. Your mother was a cherished, life long friend of our mother, Sheila. She will be missed. Craig and MJ Berke
Mary (Gauld) Anderson Posted Dec 20, 2022 at 8:55 PM
Donna came to Hanna in grade 8. She reminded us of Elizabeth Taylor with her naturally curly dark hair, lovely smile and laugh. Years later when I was once again on my own Donna encouraged me to join the Weekend Hikers. She was truly an inspiration to many people. I am so sorry to lose a good friend. My thoughts are with Sheila, Murray and their families.
The family of Donna Marilyn Grover uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

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